Patty Lapihuska

A watercolor neophyte is a good description for someone still learning the challenges that the watercolor medium presents.  Water, plus the type of paper used, plus the endless combinations of color from natural as well as chemical sources applied with a brush held 'just so' can make a painting. Or, make that painting fail to give the desired effect. I'll happily be a neophyte in this medium as there's much for me to learn from taking lessons and through trial and error, also called practice. It's an eye-opening journey. For example, never would I guess that the combination of ultramarine blue and burnt umber would become a shade of black I could make cooler or warmer. Clouds and shadows were now something I could master.

As a late comer to making art I have tried oil, acrylic, and pastels with some success. But it's watercolor that continues to challenge me to keep at it because of the differences in lights/darks, texture, and a bit of the insane ways of its unpredictability. 

So far, creating art has given the pleasure of recreating visions that have moved me, and, I hope, the viewer.

Art at the Mill art shows have been a wonderful experience. Through this venue, I've been treated to viewing art, meeting artists, and the patrons who visit this fabulous show. I'm grateful to those patrons who view the art and buy what pleases them.