Parivash Biglarbeigi

Painting has always been my favorite hobby, it helps me separate from my daily grind and stressful job. It gives me focus and offers me peace. I’m largely a self-taught artist, I enjoy painting in Acrylics and sometimes oils. I attribute my learning early on to Walter Foster publications.  I have collected most of his vintage books and still do. His publications with introduction to a different artist provoked my curiosity and strengthened my pursuit of art. My love for the wild west, cowboys and Indians attracted me to Ernest Tonk’s art work, my admiration for dancers brought me to Clareeta White. The beauty of flowers introduced me to Nan Greacen, Lola Ades, Joan Hansen, and Robert Duflos art works. A desire to learn sketching put me on the path to Paul Coze.  Leon Franks melancholy clowns, and still life were an added bonus in these publications. These are just a handful of artists that Foster’s publications introduced me to and are the treasure trove for a self-taught artist like me.  This is not to negate the monumental contribution of large number of great artists who generously share their talent online for all to benefit. I learn every day something new from my fellow artists online.  I graduated from Maryland University Systems with a master’s degree in  Information Technology/Information Systems. I have lived in Maryland for the last forty years and worked full time as an IT professional.