Malia Miller

My name is Malia, I'm an 18 year old artist that just graduated from my last year of high school. l've always been in love with art, l've taken every art class I could've during my years of school. My high school art teacher is my biggest inspiration, l've spend hours, everyday working on my art in her classroom. She's part of the reason I want to get my art out into the world and continue with my passion. She's helped me build in skill and believe that I can do whatever I set it mind to. I want to show her that she's right.

Art isn't easy, and there's been many times I've wanted to give up on my pieces; but i've learned that's the point. Art isn't supposed to be easy. It's frustrating, and it takes time. Lots of time. To be an artist is to be willing to endure the time and stress it takes to create something that shows who you are. All of my art, reflects parts of me and my life. Parts that aren't easily seen by just looking at me.With my art. I want people to see themselves as well. To be able to relate while not needing to speak.